Debbie Laginskie
Accepting new
Offers meeting
in-person, by Internet
Church Denomination:
Lincoln Road Chapel, Non-denominational
About Debbie Laginskie
Debbie is a certified spiritual director through the Canadian Council of Professional Services and has been practicing for eight years. She loves journeying with people towards greater intimacy with the Trinity, fresh discoveries of the great love and healing of God and the peace found in accepting and loving ourselves.
Debbie has had a wide variety of life experiences, including pastoring in the local church for fifteen years. In addition to her one-on-one spiritual direction practice, she loves teaching spiritual formation and providing welcoming, loving spaces to gather people together to experience transformation in community. She is a trained supervisor for spiritual directors through Tyndale's Practicum. Check out Still Ministries to see her various offerings of Community Silence Prayer, Contemplative Workshops, and Retreats.